When a person lives under the influence of evil, the lies the are told by the propaganda machine, by the social leaders, by the media, etc, come into conflict with the truth they know unconsciously, in their conscience.
The source of that truth is the Voice of God that speaks to them whether they are aware of it or not. So, the conflict - the war of truth vs lies - takes place between what they consciously understand and the voice within.
This creates a cognitive dissonance.
Some will feel that cognitive dissonance, and feel uncomfortable, and desire truth. They will struggle and grapple to resolve the dissonance by finding and learning the truth on a conscious level.
Some will feel that cognitive dissonance, and feel uncomfortable, but respond by suppressing that uncomfortable feeling. They will shut down the voice within block out the conscience, and dig deeper into the lies, telling themselves what they unconsciously know to be lies are the truth.
This leads to a state of advanced slavery to the lies. The conflict, the war of truth vs lies - is buried deeper. Here, even their unconscious mind has capitulated and accepted lies as truth.
The voice of God, through the original heart of God's nature embedded within each person, can not be removed. It exists in every person. But the voice can be drowned out, the volume switch turned off. But the conflict is never eliminated. It is only buried deeper.
This is why, at the heart of every slave to lies, there is a deep, deep conflict that can never be resolved except by returning to the truth. The world build on lies is always at risk of collapse, because truth is eternal and real, but lies, although powerful, are false and inherently contradictory.
The mind of each person is a battleground where truth and lies come into conflict.
When a person lives under the influence of evil, the lies the are told by the propaganda machine, by the social leaders, by the media, etc, come into conflict with the truth they know unconsciously, in their conscience.
The source of that truth is the Voice of God that speaks to them whether they are aware of it or not. So, the conflict - the war of truth vs lies - takes place between what they consciously understand and the voice within.
This creates a cognitive dissonance.
Some will feel that cognitive dissonance, and feel uncomfortable, and desire truth. They will struggle and grapple to resolve the dissonance by finding and learning the truth on a conscious level.
Some will feel that cognitive dissonance, and feel uncomfortable, but respond by suppressing that uncomfortable feeling. They will shut down the voice within block out the conscience, and dig deeper into the lies, telling themselves what they unconsciously know to be lies are the truth.
This leads to a state of advanced slavery to the lies. The conflict, the war of truth vs lies - is buried deeper. Here, even their unconscious mind has capitulated and accepted lies as truth.
The voice of God, through the original heart of God's nature embedded within each person, can not be removed. It exists in every person. But the voice can be drowned out, the volume switch turned off. But the conflict is never eliminated. It is only buried deeper.
This is why, at the heart of every slave to lies, there is a deep, deep conflict that can never be resolved except by returning to the truth. The world build on lies is always at risk of collapse, because truth is eternal and real, but lies, although powerful, are false and inherently contradictory.
The mind of each person is a battleground where truth and lies come into conflict.
However, in the heart and mind liberated by truth, there is no conflict but instead resonance.
Marxism preaches development through conflict because conflict is the nature of the lie. But God's way is through cooperative resonance.
Rings true to me.
I see it similarly. When one's truth is close enough to the Truth, it resonates with it. One can become conscious of the resonance.
It's no coincidence that cognitive dissonance is so named.