I've got a neighborhood balck family who still has a "Black LIves Matter" sign on a tree in their front yard. Their redneck neighbor has an "All Lives Matter" sign in their front yard. Why do black families find it necessary to hang signs at all? There isn't any rascism in my community at all, unless you go looking for trouble. This black family just want to yell "LOOK AT ME, I'M BLACK AND I'M OPPRESSED BY THE WHITE MAN", yet I've never seen anyone trying to slap chains on their wrists. They've bought into the narrative that all black folks are second class citizens. Ugh.
I've got a neighborhood balck family who still has a "Black LIves Matter" sign on a tree in their front yard. Their redneck neighbor has an "All Lives Matter" sign in their front yard. Why do black families find it necessary to hang signs at all? There isn't any rascism in my community at all, unless you go looking for trouble. This black family just want to yell "LOOK AT ME, I'M BLACK AND I'M OPPRESSED BY THE WHITE MAN", yet I've never seen anyone trying to slap chains on their wrists. They've bought into the narrative that all black folks are second class citizens. Ugh.
Kind of ironic that they hung it from a tree though