Look. I'm not dooming, just been feeling low as of late. Feeling like Bilbo when he's talking to Gandalf and says he feels like a small bit of butter scraped over too much bread. I've been in this ride a long time and it just feels like the end is always just right there, but not yet. Oh, almost there, but not yet. I want to believe, and have somehow still kept the faith but holy fuck man, I'm tired. Praying to God every day that we just get this shit show over with because it's only going to get worse before it gets better. What keeps everyone else hanging on? I see all these small wins but shit just seems dragged out all the time.
Yes, I understand Anon. But think of how long this has been going around the rest of the world. The Cabal has only had clear control since Obama strolled into the WH, and only causing issue since 1913 here. Other nations, heck Russia, the UK, Germany, France, India, places in the Middle East, especially Israel, it’s been going on for centuries or a thousand years. We in the US especially are young to it, and only because modern media provided us the connected info.
So let that info simmer, and be glad, though tired, it’s almost over for us all. God bless you Anon,
My tits are jacked every day, but I've only been here for 3 years. Many have been here much longer. I see many people waking up in real life and on Twitter. The other day, I was on a smoke break at work, and a guy said to me what I said here a week previously. He didn't even know it was me who said that. What we say has an impact whether we know it or not.
Look. I'm not dooming, just been feeling low as of late. Feeling like Bilbo when he's talking to Gandalf and says he feels like a small bit of butter scraped over too much bread. I've been in this ride a long time and it just feels like the end is always just right there, but not yet. Oh, almost there, but not yet. I want to believe, and have somehow still kept the faith but holy fuck man, I'm tired. Praying to God every day that we just get this shit show over with because it's only going to get worse before it gets better. What keeps everyone else hanging on? I see all these small wins but shit just seems dragged out all the time.
Yes, I understand Anon. But think of how long this has been going around the rest of the world. The Cabal has only had clear control since Obama strolled into the WH, and only causing issue since 1913 here. Other nations, heck Russia, the UK, Germany, France, India, places in the Middle East, especially Israel, it’s been going on for centuries or a thousand years. We in the US especially are young to it, and only because modern media provided us the connected info.
So let that info simmer, and be glad, though tired, it’s almost over for us all. God bless you Anon,
Thank you, Fren. Needed to hear this. God bless you as well!
My tits are jacked every day, but I've only been here for 3 years. Many have been here much longer. I see many people waking up in real life and on Twitter. The other day, I was on a smoke break at work, and a guy said to me what I said here a week previously. He didn't even know it was me who said that. What we say has an impact whether we know it or not.
If the international politics is wearing you out, you need more local.
Thank you, frens. Means a lot, God bless all of you ❤️ keep the faith and don't lose hope!
I watched one of those shorts on IG the other day. It explains so much in so little words