It’s becoming increasingly hard for myself and my family to survive in this economy. Myself and my family are teetering in the edge. I hope there’s some relief soon. I lost my job back in 2021 and went I to business for myself. 5 years ago under Trump’s economy I think I could survive and grow without a problem. Now… a trip to the grocery store costs $500 and running up cards left and right because our two incomes combined still isn’t enough. That doesn’t even touch on all the other things like our healthcare going up etc. 3 kids… I am praying people will make their moves soon to take this thing back and get it under control. I don’t know how much time I have left. I wish there was a relief opportunity for those of us who know and trust the plan to get by until it’s fixed. LoL
It’s becoming next to impossible for myself and my family to survive.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I retired early and moved abroad came back and then started collecting SS at 62.Had to go back to work, but am ok doing so. Security @ 17 an hour and I work OT when I can get it...
I'm happy with a simple life, and haven't been broke since I was a child, not that I have ever been rich, but you MUST bring in more than you spend and you need an emergency fund at least 3 months cost of living if single, 6 if married, a year if there are kids. When you use the emergency fund, and you will, don't spend a cent you don't have to until you fill the fund again.
You can earn around a thousand bucks selling plasma in one month takes around 2 hours plus travel time for each of the 8 trips in a month.
40 hours is less than 25% of your time 80 hours is less than 50% of your time. Do what you need to do.
Most people have too much crap they don't need, you can get by with a lot less stuff.
Can feed your family of 5 a good breakfast at home for 10 bucks, at I-Hop it will cost you 50.
Get rid of pay TV its way over priced and mostly a waste of time.
Take up hobbies that you can make money at or that saves you money.
Do yard work for lazy neighbors.
Learn better shopping skills.
I had a friend who worked in an A/C company warehouse, had kids, and a stay at home wife. When home he was always stripping wire to sell at the scrap yards.
Downsize your home.
Cut back on number of cars. Car payments, ins, gas, and upkeep eat a LOT of money.
Doing just one of the above will yield results. Sage advice.