See the typo on Paxton's letter as Sept 16 of 2024. And then Paxton finishes the letter with 'Buckle-Up'.
I think it's future proves past comms. Or anticipation of events to follow...(moves/countermoves against the Deep State). We don't know what will happen in Sept 2024, but it could be related to the 2024 Presidential election. This approx date is when the states begin accepting early voting & mail-in ballots.
We know they will try a cyber-attack to shut down the elections in 2024. However, Trump as Commander-In-Chief, the Military Plan and other reports indicate the Nat'l Guard will safeguard our elections across the country if they try a cyber attack to shut-down, some sort of false flag-scare event (Nuke War) to delay the elections.
(Look for a false flag, scare event, cyber attack during the primaries starting in May/June through August September 2024 for State/Local/Fed-Congress officials' elections). It could be the new supposed Covid lock downs or nuke war lock downs. They will push for; 'OMG, Everyone Stay Inside' to avoid missile strikes. Think DEWs like in Maui! Was Maui a 'test run' for the 2024 election interference false flag they intend to perpetrate on the American voters? I can only speculate knowing their nefarious false flag actions/events...
Trump says there will be paper ballots and there will only be ONE DAY voting on election day. There will not be several days/weeks following the election to tabulate votes, which is rife with fake ballots and fraud. The cheaters rely on days/weeks of counting to ensure the 'outcomes' they want. Their 'selected' candidates will not be able to cheat. All monitored by the Nat'l Guard presence at our voting venues/cities/counties/precincts, etc.
I imagine the military, from it's previous monitoring of elections since 2018 and possibly beyond, knows all these corrupt organizations that perpetuate ballot stuffing and harvesting throughout the country. There may be Nat'l Guard raids of these organizations to tamp down the fraud/cheating ahead of the actual Nov 2024 voting date. I'm certain we'll get the news reports daily of these corrupt organizations getting raided by the Nat'l Guard! Keep watching the alt news sites & citizen journalist podcasts/video uploads.
This done as a matter of Nat'l Security for the integrity of our elections to prevent foreign/domestic interference!
Can anyone envision the Nat'l Guard installed at every voting venue? Inside & outside of the voting venues, specifically the counting rooms! And armed-deputized to make arrests! Riots, Chaos, Activists Protests, ANTIFA, BLM, Hired Activists, Contracted thugs (CIA/DOD/FBI, like Ray Epps)
Trump is 100% +++ confident he will be back in the White House...why? Because he knows the plan, he's orchestrating the plan and the military is following his lead. D*mn he's a genius!
Ooooh! This is getting good!
One day at a time, not even sure 2024 elections are going to happen at this point.