Message for Major Hochstetter
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I like your idea but Untraceable is tough now a days, atleast for me , how can this be done ? Serious question .
Yeah, I know what you mean. You would have to very careful.
Do you still have a lot of public phones in the US?
There might be CCTV surveillance on the phones. There are ways around that.
Another method might be mail in (being very careful about an evidence transfer) no stamp, have the Government pick up the cost.
Where there is a will,there is a way!
I think u can still get flip phones at stores u pay with some green dot card thst u buy , you phone in the code on card ,, atleast this was available a few years ago ,
I was wondering about mobile phones in the US.
Would that setup you mentioned be untraceable by the number to the user? A real burner phone?
In Australia, when you activate a SIM ,you have to have certifiable ID. It's a pain in the arse.
You do not need I’d , I had one , u use what ever name u want to reg it and u buy minutes by calling the site and giving the code from the back of the card u buy in rite aid cvs etc , I was thinking of getting another one it’s been a few years since I pitched mine .
Snail mail. It's time consuming though.