General Mike Flynn tells us that we are closer to CONFORMITY than we think. Q writes the word CONFORMITY only a single time in post 2902, which deals with Uranium One. Decode: We are closer to the final chapter of the Clintons treasonous Uranium One arms deal. Are we going NUCLEAR soon?

Nice dig!
BUT...Don't fear the reaper. This post started out good, but then turned into fear prawn.
Use this time to discover the eternal nature of your soul & strengthen your connection to God.
If there is nookaler war - we're all going to die and there's nothing we can do about it. So why fear it? You're going to die anyway...BTW. Your body is anyway...
Question: What if the entire earth just blew up and everything instantly died. What would that matter in the grand scheme of eternity? Something to think about for perspective. Oh... yeah...ego doesn't like that thought. lol
We all have enough stress as it is - and most of it is worrying about loved ones, not ourselves. I get it.
Realize that GOD'S PLAN IS ALWAYS PERFECT ...you know this.
When you really KNOW who you are in the grand scheme of things, you realize you're spirit is ultimately invincible and eternal. Have no fear. Go beyond belief.
Thank you