Video: Freedom Convoy, Trudeau, and the World Economic Forum Shaping the World’s Power Brokers | Freedom Convoy and Klaus Schwab Truth Matters, Episode 7
Video: Freedom Convoy, Trudeau, and the World Economic Forum Shaping the World’s Power Brokers | Freedom Convoy and Klaus Schwab Truth Matters, Episode 7
In summary, the SDA church does not endorse Veith and is most definitely not based.
In fact, just like the Roman Catholic Church, they endorsed the Covid vaccines.
Adventist Church Releases New Vaccine Statement
Written by: Alex Aamodt Published: October 29, 2021
This is exactly why I do not pay tithes or attend church. The General Conference of SDA is totally controlled by the Jesuits and other misfits. They are making deals with Popery just so they can not be called a 'cult'.
Of course I believe the original SDA church when founded was not a cult and I do not believe they are a cult. But they are turning into on at least the upper eschelon is when they make ecumenical deals with the likes of the Roman Church.
Do you believe Ellen White is a prophet?
I don't believe that.
With that being said, their theology is much closer to what Protestants historically believed once you get rid of their interpretation of Daniel 8:14 than most other churches.
Ellen White never called herself a prophet but a messenger of God. Many of her predictions have come true. One thing about her is she never set dates but predicted situations. You have to read what she wrote to figure it out for yourself. I can't prove anything. Her best writing are about getting to know Jesus and the life and purpose of his ministry.