Great speech by Tucker Carlson on abortion and courage: "If you're afraid of dying, you're doing it wrong"
✝️ Sacrifice No Child!
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Someone in my family voted to have their church be non denominational, I think that is correct word, and they will just follw the bible
even a document like the US Constitution needs an authoritative interpreter or living voice (Supreme Court).
who has the authority to interpret and adjudicate on a document such as the Bible? Can an individual human being interpret authoritatively? What if another human being has a different interpretation?
Ah yes, just like how "shall not be infringed" is "open for interpretation". This mindset is a disease. There is one Truth and God will not hear excuses for not seeking it.
There is only one authority. Jesus is the head of the church and anyone who claims otherwise is just trying to get you to worship them instead.
The last time I told someone that she said, and I quote, "...the Bible WE gave you by the way, you're welcome."
To those people Jesus said, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness."