I read that the resident asked Grusome to stand in for him during the debate?? I thought maybe to give the Dem take on the debate?? Smells fishy… are they grooming Grusome to be Briben’s replacement- Are they seriously planning for DeSanctus to be the GOP candidate?
Yes and yes. These are the candidates they want for 2024. The media is already turning on Biden, and what's-his-face is a deepstate Trump impersonator.
This seems odd. Don't republicans usually debate republicans in primaries?
Either way I can see this as a bump for their viewership. I'd like to see Newsome get destroyed. DeSantis doesn't have the energy though, he's boring.
I read that the resident asked Grusome to stand in for him during the debate?? I thought maybe to give the Dem take on the debate?? Smells fishy… are they grooming Grusome to be Briben’s replacement- Are they seriously planning for DeSanctus to be the GOP candidate?
Yes and yes. These are the candidates they want for 2024. The media is already turning on Biden, and what's-his-face is a deepstate Trump impersonator.