Expanding insidious government infiltration into every aspect of our daily lives-first gas stoves now gas water heaters what’s next backyard gas grills?
Androchrome and baby blood.
“Hasn’t done anything against the American public…” really!? Unless you discount someone who lies about the most basic facts (their identity) in collusion with his homosexual husband perpetuated one of the worst frauds on the American public, betraying our trust and employing many people to help cover up who he really is. IMO that is subversion at its core…And oh yeah, how about his “chef”
Alex Jones says he was ex- Space Force with info about a planned drone attack to kill PDJT during the inauguration… or an attack on the White House…🤔
Welcome to the south fren! Life will get much slower and a whole lot cheaper from here on out. Not to mention a hell of a lot warmer…😊
You haven’t missed anything… just another bad actor in bad movies-the box in your frig has more character than this loser
FBI has lost all credibility. Just assume FBI=fake.
Oh well then… that should clear everything up… these people think we’re stupid
Love your name… if you listen to the X22 report Dave says PDJT is planning to do away with taxes by abolishing the Federal Reserve and bringing back tariffs which was how we got to be such a rich country in the years prior to 1913 before the establishment of the fed. Hope you are not near Nola- stay safe
We shall see…if the military is deployed into the streets of this country they can “ delay” anything…including a congressional certification… under the guise of Marshall law.
Jesus took the ten down to two- love God- love your neighbor- mic drop
Both were 💯 DS operations - these people think we’re stupid. 18 days left… stay vigilant frens.
Both cars used were rented on the same TURO app. Both men in the same military unit… these people think we’re stupid. IMO FBI/CIA is the DS. These soldiers were turned. Our “ government” is striking back at us for electing PDJT.
Don’t fool yourself FBI = DS…these attacks are orchestrated by our own government against we the people… the “ resistance” is here…IMO
Cavalcade of DEI misfits…
I think events in NOLA and in Vegas were pretty loud…
Is he talking to the traitorous GOP who demonstrated thru the Clinton, Bush, O’Bummer and FJB admins their absolute back-stabbing hatred for the people of their party… especially MAGA?? Hope the patriots are in charge…
Didn’t GEOTUS say it will happen very quickly? At a rally he said, “ On Inauguration day I will have a tiny desk at the top of the stairs so that I can start working for the American people immediately!”
Daddy Bush in 2018, Carter in 2024?
You mean after two years all it would take to stop the war was “Washington asking Putin not to”?????
So that’s the bar? He didn’t molest children? Those of us who were around remember… Hi, I’m Jimmeh Cahtah…gas shortages, odd/even day gas lines, Iran hostages fail, no Olympic Games for US athletes. Carter was the O.G. absolute worst president, until FJB broke his record.
One could say the same thing about Barrack Hussein Obama and his minions - as a matter of fact I think the Obama as Antichrist narrative was quite popular
Yes! Look on the bright side of life…as Brian is hanging on the cross! Hilarious. Merry Christmas fren!
Don’t forget Nancy and her “broken hip”
You can’t prosecute anyone when you’re dead…