About 3 weeks ago she broke one of her toes. This normally would not be a big deal but she has type 2 diabetes and it had a small wound on it. I did not know this(she hid it from me) and last wednesday we went off to the beach with my family. She was limping around a bit during the trip but she claimed it was just a small scratch. Monday morning when she got up it was black as can be from the tip of her toe to her first knuckle. We went to the ER and her toe is pretty much dead. She has to have it removed to protect the rest of the foot. The good news is she has great circulation of blood right now and it does not appear to be spreading but it is still scary as a diabetic. Surgery will be either later today or tomorrow. Please pray for her to come out of this safe with the infection dead and no chance to spread anywhere else. I appreciate it!
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I have a cousin who went through breast cancer 3 times, the whole thing: surgery AND radiation AND chemo. She has no breasts left now, of course.
What was her risk factor for cancer?? Obesity. She would go through all that misery and expense three times! But "can't" lose weight.