What do you do when some family and friends say "all you say / think are negative about the world"
I get this a lot. "You are so negative about everything, your outlook, worldview, nobody will want to be friends with you"
Sometimes I get "all the people you praise, most people view negatively, and the people you praise like Trump most people frown upon"
I stand my ground insisting I tell the truth at any cost, but in some ways, it hurts because it does feel isolating and alone. I get that being alone is one of the costs of telling the truth in this world. How do ya'll handle this?
There's a lot of bad things coming to light so the more you follow events, the more you reflect what is happening. The opposite is what your friends and family are exhibiting. Remember the saying "ignorance is bliss". and that's what they are.
But conversely, have faith in God and in the white hats working with Trump. I'm watching the Dems and RINOS panic with each new revelation about vote fraud, pedos getting exposed, Biden, Inc corruption being uncovered. It's drip, drip drip everyday. Soon, a flood of info will start that the MSM and social media won't be able to stop. As it does, watch your family and friends. See if any of it starts to enter their consiousness and their conversations.
Remember this is a big show. Don't get wrapped up in the negatives. A big change is coming so get more popcorn and be entertained.