What do you do when some family and friends say "all you say / think are negative about the world"
I get this a lot. "You are so negative about everything, your outlook, worldview, nobody will want to be friends with you"
Sometimes I get "all the people you praise, most people view negatively, and the people you praise like Trump most people frown upon"
I stand my ground insisting I tell the truth at any cost, but in some ways, it hurts because it does feel isolating and alone. I get that being alone is one of the costs of telling the truth in this world. How do ya'll handle this?
Try to be kind. Find other interesting things to talk about. If someone starts to talk anything remotely political I tell them you really don't want me to start talking about politics because you probably won't like what I have to say. If they persist, I will, unfiltered.
Remember that Solomon wrote that wisdom increases sorrows.
Talk to God. Live your life and get your affairs in order. You have enough to things in your life to tend to. You don't need to drag people with you. Either Q has this, or God has different plans. I find that either outcome doesn't much matter, the actions in my own life seem to converge toward an inevitable harvest.