Patrick Henry said give me liberty or give me death and is a founding father. Mcarthyism was the red scare where we ousted commies.
The Q team is literally having a blast with this.
I’m just saying what are the odds..and no one seems to be talking about it
Top Kek. Hat Tip to the white hats and all the operators out there making this happen.
Haha I just quoted Rumsfeld the other day. Classic speech from a terrible human being. I was once in the room with him when he was in office and I had no idea. His grandson or daughter was a competitive rock climber and so was my brother and he flew in on a helicopter and everything to attend for a short time.
As far as revelations I’m actually not convinced we are at the end of the world yet but I do think we are on the verge of an era of peace and prosperity…a breathe of air leading to the final battle which could be 50 years or a thousand more. Keep our heads up, pray, spread the great awakening.
no doubt most keep thinking "the end" not realizing its actually "the beginning" but in keeping with human nature a certain amount of stumbling around in the dark has to occur before folks notice the light