The “Light” is God’s Way of creating and maintaining Order, Peace, and Perfection throughout His Creation. The “Light” is your Christ-Self, your “Mighty I AM Presence”! Everyone has the same Supreme Privilege of contact with the All-Powerful Presence of God, and It is the only Power that ever did, now, or ever will raise the personal self and its world above earthly discord and limitation. If man knew that he never ceases creating, even for an instant, he would realize, through the Presence of God within himself he could purify his miscreations and thus be free from his own limitations. He spins a cocoon of human discord around himself and goes to sleep within it, forgetting at least for a time that if he can build it, he can also break through. By using the “Wings of his Soul,” Adoration and Determination, he can break through his self-created darkness. Then he lives once more at the Center of his Being in the “Light” and “Freedom” of his “God Self.” Unveiled Mysteries Book - The Original Volume 1
The “Light” is God’s Way of creating and maintaining Order, Peace, and Perfection throughout His Creation. The “Light” is your Christ-Self, your “Mighty I AM Presence”! Everyone has the same Supreme Privilege of contact with the All-Powerful Presence of God, and It is the only Power that ever did, now, or ever will raise the personal self and its world above earthly discord and limitation. If man knew that he never ceases creating, even for an instant, he would realize, through the Presence of God within himself he could purify his miscreations and thus be free from his own limitations. He spins a cocoon of human discord around himself and goes to sleep within it, forgetting at least for a time that if he can build it, he can also break through. By using the “Wings of his Soul,” Adoration and Determination, he can break through his self-created darkness. Then he lives once more at the Center of his Being in the “Light” and “Freedom” of his “God Self.” Unveiled Mysteries Book - The Original Volume 1