Edit: As this was stickied, I thought I'd add that this same list applies to all future EAS tests as well as it seems each test since Trump has been hyped in some way.
I've seen so many people on these forums talk about how the EAS could be dangerous and that everyone should wrap their phones in tin foil. Also, apparently people online have been talking about keeping their kids home from school and prepping like its going to be a doomsday event.
Here's some reasons why we SHOULDN'T be worried.
We know EAS has a significant role in the white hat plan we are all waiting for so ... why block off your ability to hear it? It could possibly be a monumental historical event and you would have to tell your kids that you missed it because you hid and wrapped your phone in tinfoil.
At least for Christians, what are we putting our faith in? God or that tin foil will protect us?
If there was something bad about the EAS, why wouldn't the white hats have warned us? Yet, all the coms we've been getting are positive. Could it be the 'scare event'? Possibly, but we know that it is coming and expect it.
If the white hats are in fact in control, wouldn't they stop something like a massive attack that has the potential to be a massive genocidal attack across the globe?
Controlled opposition, the deep state, etc, want us to look like loonies by overacting. They try to dilute our effect by making people think we're nuts. Tinfoil wrapped phones and pulling kids out of school would do that. We need to be seen as the cool and collected that others can rely on when people wake up.
If you can think of others, feel free to add them.
I'm reminded of Y2k
Y2K was insane because it was all over the news and conspiracy peeps AND normies were tripping out about it. At the time it seemed like a valid fear for a lot of people.
This is so much more of a ridiculous reaction, especially seeing it pop up simultaneously around the chans, reddit, and alternative media sites. Seemed like it was a concentrated effort to push a bunch of wild narratives yesterday.
Ehhh. Unpopular opinion here...Y2K had some real elements but most of it was patched ahead of time.
Cascading power failures were a real concern.
Thinking about massive regional power outages (that could have been all of CONUS) was eye opening to just how much the human psyche finds comfort in the power staying on.
The movie Trigger Effect has some hyperbole in it but it has a lot of frightening truth in it too.