"I got to thinking about the purpose of the plan. The purpose is to preserve the Western countries while getting rid of the elitists turd stirrers. Which one gets us there?
The elites are insulated from a financial collapse. We would have, “let them eat cake,” all over again. Financial collapse destroys the lives of common people in The West. It represents a hard road back, and must actually come to pass to change attitudes. Seems incongruent with a plan to save the place.
Likewise, a true global pandemic saves no one.
An impending nuclear threat, though, that does the job. It scares people witless, does not require an actual launch, and threatens both kings and commoners. It is indiscriminate in its destruction.
I can’t help but wonder if The Bay of Pigs (the Cuban Missile Crisis) was a first attempt. I believe JFK began this whole elaborate plan to kill the dark state. The Bay of Pigs brought us seemingly to the very edge of full scale nuclear conflict. Kennedy was able to diffuse the situation just in time. It was the ultimate scare event.
It seems likely, then, that sixty years later the culmination of what JFK started would utilize the same tactics; a scare event that wakes the masses while threatening even the elite.
I do not believe we will have a nuclear war. I think Russia is too measured in their actions. But if we are to experience the mother of all fear, a staged threat of absolute annihilation would fit the need.
Just something to consider, scary as it is. Something to consider because it is scary."
(Professor Patriot)
No one will be scared of nuclear scare unless there is an explosion somewhere. A financial 'collapse' (or threat of collapse) as NO debit or credit cards work ANYWHERE and all bank info is down would wake everyone up fast. (For 2 days, not 10 before violence starts) and then have TRUMP and white hats save the day
I think a blackout of the financial system would wake the sheep up. The majority of people I know don't have even a couple days worth of supplies. Everyone is so reliant on McDonkeys breakfast, Taco Smell lunch, and Pizza Slut dinner. They literally keep themselves malnourished, broke, slaves of convenience.