Video on this from Liberal Hivemind. Forward to 1:57 for the applicable content:
Video also mentions "Brian Tyler Cohen" who is a TDS shill Youtube has been pushing hard even in my Youtube feed even though I never watch this kind of shill content.
Also, in Canada, there have been these "F*ck Trudeau" rallies at various Canadian Tire store parking lots. I always found it weird that on twitter, they get all these weird negative responses on twitter posts advertising the event. Yet if you ever attend these rallies, there were 0 counter protestors at most of them (I did not attend all of them so can only speak for the ones that I did). You would think if these people online were so outraged at the rallies, they would come to counter-protest or to at least record the rallies of people they hate to score social media points for their own side. But they never did for most of them, almost like they never existed. They also did 3 other things that I found interesting:
Some posts would lie and say the rally was called off when it wasn't. They would also claim the owners of the parking lost opposed it when in most cases, the owner either approved of it or didn't care. They did this to try to scare people off from attending. There was one time when an owner did block off the parking lot so the rally just moved to a Home Depot parking lot nearby.
Some comments claimed the store was going to lose customers and money because of the rally and that the protesters were wrong for doing that. Since when do leftists care about a store making money? These comments struck me as the oddest because leftists don't care about a "rich" store owner losing money. This very much seemed to me like a paid shill trying to throw any argument at the planned rally that he could. Since he assumed he was dealing with a right wing audience, he tried to use what he thought was a right wing argument to persuade them not to attend. Except it came off artificial and made no sense.
- Some posts claimed that they had recently bought a lot of stuff at the store and that if the store owner didn't stop the rally they would return it and never shop there again. I found that hilarious just because most leftists don't buy the kind of stuff that Canadian Tire sells which is mainly tools. Furthermore, it just seemed like too much of a coincidence to be real. Sounded to me like the typical leftist tactic: Pretending to be a customer hoping a business will believe you, be concerned about losing money, and caving to your demands.
My guess for the "F*ck Trudeau" rallies, is that taxpayer money was funding most of the counter social media posts. Reading those replies left me with an impression that a lot of social media comments are political content farms trying to control the narrative and it kind of reeks of desperation because their actual followers should be doing this job for them. Are there a lot less leftist shill supporters out there than we realize?
The Krassensteins should have been perma-booted from Twitter the first time around for the crap they pulled but they begged and begged and got their accounts back, and what do they do? Exactly the same thing. Fuck them both.