Huh. How coincidental in timing, with the 2024 election run up. Look for Dems to suspend the election or eliminate in person voting, to secure the vote by mail fraud.
Honestly my first thought upon hearing of the scale of the attacks - "they" are trying to ignite something wider outside of Israel, and using idiots like Hamas to sacrifice Israeli citizens to accomplish it.
Huh. How coincidental in timing, with the 2024 election run up. Look for Dems to suspend the election or eliminate in person voting, to secure the vote by mail fraud.
You might be onto something. Maybe it's too "dangerous" to go to the polls, and we just "have" to use mail-in ballots.
Honestly my first thought upon hearing of the scale of the attacks - "they" are trying to ignite something wider outside of Israel, and using idiots like Hamas to sacrifice Israeli citizens to accomplish it.
Remember it has nothing to do with “Hamas” it is all planned. Everything they do is planned