Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored warnings of ‘something big’
Amid mounting questions about Israel’s failure to anticipate the unprecedented attack by Hamas, an Egyptian intelligence official said his country had warned the Jewish state repeatedly about “some…
Amid mounting questions about Israel’s failure to anticipate the unprecedented attack by Hamas, an Egyptian intelligence official said his country had warned the Jewish state repeatedly about “something big” happening shortly.
The official said Israeli officials had been focused on their struggles in the West Bank and played down the threat from the militant group in Gaza.
Reminds me of when Obummer got mad at Egypt for stating everyone in the Middle East knew the Muslim Brotherhood was a terrorist organization.
My guess is they are going find that Hamas had compromised their intelligence gathering and were feeding fake info into their system which affected their analysis.
Before the Invasion of Sicily in 1943 Britain and Allies spent some time trying to convince Germany we were going to invade through Greece.
Exactly, anything but the truth. SOP for them.
Dunno what you're referring to.
But fooling your enemy is usually considered a counter-intelligence coup. And that's the point I was trying to make.
While this is expected for the enemy when the Governments do this against their own people they lie and betray to support their endless wars. The people die as they get rich. That is what I am referring to and that is Treason .