Additional thought(s). The Khazarian zionist bankers will benefit. They have always benefitted from conflicts. Since the House funding to Ukraine is on hiatus until a new Speaker is elected, a new scheme had to be implemented. Look! Israel under attack!! Send monies!! Do this now! Meanwhile, operations hurt in Ukraine can restart quietly.....
Russia. Putin could have cut through Ukraine like a hot knife through butter. He instead surgically took out DS operation centers ( bio labs, money laundering sites, human trafficking hubs, etc.) all the while draining the corrupt Ukrainian government/military of their assets.
Bottom line: smoke n mirrors to keep the lies (and money laundering, etc.) rolling.
Cui Bono? Who really benefits from this kind of depravity? It ain't the innocent civilians of Gaza or Israel.
Globalist/Khazarian PoS.
Actually the big beneficiary is Russia. Ukraine is going to be left twisting in the wind because Israel is highest in the Victim Olympics.
Additional thought(s). The Khazarian zionist bankers will benefit. They have always benefitted from conflicts. Since the House funding to Ukraine is on hiatus until a new Speaker is elected, a new scheme had to be implemented. Look! Israel under attack!! Send monies!! Do this now! Meanwhile, operations hurt in Ukraine can restart quietly.....
Russia. Putin could have cut through Ukraine like a hot knife through butter. He instead surgically took out DS operation centers ( bio labs, money laundering sites, human trafficking hubs, etc.) all the while draining the corrupt Ukrainian government/military of their assets.
Bottom line: smoke n mirrors to keep the lies (and money laundering, etc.) rolling.
Most definitely.