Anyone still doing COVID? Some FL data set to be released due to a lawsuit.
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What is particularly interesting about this data is that during all of COVID it was the conservatives that were hungry for raw, unmodified data and unable to get it.
We saw vaccinated people being classified as unvaccinated, unboosted people classified as unvaccinated, accidents being classified as COVID deaths, unrelated illnesses being classified as COVID related due to positive tests, games being played with flu vs. COVID, distortions from nursing home murders and CDC recommended treatments, etc. etc. etc.
In short, the data that all the policies were based on was abject trash.
So FL becomes very interesting because they shifted their reporting practices around September 2021 (Omicron emerged around Dec 2021 according to my notes). Why are leftists orgs funding the suit and why are they so interested in real data rather than drumming up hysteria?
Why did this go down in FL and not other states? What does the data say is the situation in FL at that time? Any ideas? Hit me with some theories.
Leftists are probably in a lather to pin anything they can on DeSantis and feel this is the gold vein that they can mine for anything that could be framed as a scandal. Even though he is effectively a non-entity in federal politics right now.
If the left accidentally reveal something honest and useful in the data when motivated by malice, that suits me just fine.. and may they choke on it. I think all states were ordered to conceal and taint data, from the 'failure' to measure flu, to the fails around ventilators and remdesivir, to the 'incentive to kill patients' payment rewards, and everything else. Is FL unique in this? I dont think so, they are merely the first to try and dig through the obfuscation.
What’s a COVID?