I keep seeing reports/stories about videos that are faking the violence, as in "Wag the Dog." I am wondering what the truth is and if anyone can set the record straight because that's what we do here (and when I say "we" , I mean Frogs who are badass researchers beyond my ability).
So, some possibilities:
Hamas actually staged an attack and killed a lot of people.
There was no attack, but Israel staged its own false flag and no one was hurt, but "video" shows death and destruction.
Israel allowed Hamas to conduct a real attack and people died.
Other options?
I am curious to know if there is consensus among Anons (not that we need consensus, but it is powerful when we do have it).
There is a difference between a hoax….. 6 million for example … and a false flag like 9/11
I know it’s confusing for some. But we really have to learn the difference. People die in false flags… no one dies or it gets overblown and exaggerated on a hoax.
Agreed. So you're saying that people died in this FF, eventhough there are stories and videos about staged death, injury, etc.? I'm not arguing, just clarifying.
I have family living in Israel, really close to Gaza. They claim at least one of the family's friends has died while defending his town, and I have no reason not to believe them. I also know for sure that this was a FF, or better, a planned event that is being milked by the media like crazy. They already tried the "dead babies" thing, I mean come on.. They are desperate. Because it is the Great War they are after. They need to get rid of us, and create chaos for their order.
Not saying it will work though, the part where Israel comes into play is the part we have all been waiting for.