posted ago by lsvogel ago by lsvogel +17 / -1

BBQ's are all about slow-cooked PORK! Neither Jews nor Muslims eat pork! The Biden/Obama in the basement admin and their ribs splitting laughter are all mocking US tax-payers as they gnaw on their rib bones! Now the slow cooked-pork appropriations added to fund foreign aid will begin flowing (money laundering) into Israel... https://nypost.com/2023/10/09/white-house-slammed-for-hosting-bbq-with-live-band-as-war-rages-in-israel/

Sad poetic truths here!

These WH events take months in planning! Therefore from deductive reasoning, it was known months ago that Hamas (Iran) would wage war on Israel!

Israel officials announced; 'This is out 9/11.' As we now know 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB! And as we once again use deductive reasoning; Israel has just admitted the Hamas strikes against Israel WAS AN INSIDE JOB!

We tax-payers are being hood-winked once again by the Deep State in their false flag events to filter money through congress to Israel's cause. Not only that, but military support as well. The Military Industrial Complex's 'War For Profit' crime syndicate are all dancing a jig right about now!

WWIII - Biden/Obama/Deep State = Mission accomplished!