I understand what you are talking about the region. They are looking for something besides oil. Read somewhere about the digging after they went into Iraq.
Good point about Nazis, I did nazi that coming. Seriously though that is a good point. Maybe they are looking for it. I originally thought Saddam was trying to rebuild Babylon because he believed in some power from it or maybe star port. I say that because the original tower of Babylon is thought to have been a star port. Some say the language in the Bible eluded to the act of building the tower was more than just making it high. A tower to the heavens seems strange in the language. Bush family being skull and bones would make saddams rebuilding of Babylon very attractive to then since they believe all the occultic powers and principalities stuff. I believe regions have angelic rulers and demonic rulers. (The book of Daniel). The question is can we humans do anything to harness those regions or can these occults gain powers from these appointees ruling? On the scientific side, are there areas on earth where anomalies we call star portals really exist? So Biden’s statement of "interest " seemed deeper to me. Good chatting with you fren!
Just wanted to elaborate on principalities. In the book of Daniel and angel was dispatched to give Daniel a message when he arrives he says he was delayed by a battle with the Prince of Persia until God dispatched Michael to intercede. In Tom horns book Apollyon Rising he says Bush invoked another angelic (maybe demonic) name before we invaded with operation desert storm. In his speech before operation "...This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm." Tom said the angel of the whirlwind is known as Meriah who Masons believe was Enoch transformed when taken up by God. The purpose of this was Bush's belief he was invading the territory of a very powerful demon and needed spiritual backup for this invasion. I thought that was an Interesting perspective.
Ethiopia, Hitler would have taken it.
I understand what you are talking about the region. They are looking for something besides oil. Read somewhere about the digging after they went into Iraq.
Good point about Nazis, I did nazi that coming. Seriously though that is a good point. Maybe they are looking for it. I originally thought Saddam was trying to rebuild Babylon because he believed in some power from it or maybe star port. I say that because the original tower of Babylon is thought to have been a star port. Some say the language in the Bible eluded to the act of building the tower was more than just making it high. A tower to the heavens seems strange in the language. Bush family being skull and bones would make saddams rebuilding of Babylon very attractive to then since they believe all the occultic powers and principalities stuff. I believe regions have angelic rulers and demonic rulers. (The book of Daniel). The question is can we humans do anything to harness those regions or can these occults gain powers from these appointees ruling? On the scientific side, are there areas on earth where anomalies we call star portals really exist? So Biden’s statement of "interest " seemed deeper to me. Good chatting with you fren!
Try Peru.
Please share any key phrases or links for this new journey. :) Thank you sir brain_dead
Just wanted to elaborate on principalities. In the book of Daniel and angel was dispatched to give Daniel a message when he arrives he says he was delayed by a battle with the Prince of Persia until God dispatched Michael to intercede. In Tom horns book Apollyon Rising he says Bush invoked another angelic (maybe demonic) name before we invaded with operation desert storm. In his speech before operation "...This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm." Tom said the angel of the whirlwind is known as Meriah who Masons believe was Enoch transformed when taken up by God. The purpose of this was Bush's belief he was invading the territory of a very powerful demon and needed spiritual backup for this invasion. I thought that was an Interesting perspective.