Russia Closing The Noose On Ukrainian Troops
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and now China is licking its chops....Taiwan is going to come in hot more sooner than later...then what a 3 front war we are subsidizing? If China waits a few more weeks it will be surprising...they are ripe for then attention will shift again......all the while we wait for all the illegal hordes of terrorists to light up a few cities here...WWIII is here and we have an incompetent bunch of ass hats driving the bus.........
Couldn’t have said it better
This is the opportunity China has been waiting for. Ukraine and the Middle east in turmoil they can make their move . They have done similar in the past.
agreed 100%
Crimes and wars happen when there is Opportunity.
It is astonishing how quickly Western attention shifted from the war in Ukraine to the war in Israel. As I noted in some recent interviews, Ukraine’s Zelensky is frightened and stunned by this reversal and is trying desperately to stay relevant and attract Western attention. Good luck with that. The media prefers to focus on the new narrative of Arab hordes sweeping down on Israeli civilians rather than try to come up with excuses for Ukraine’s failure to even breach the first line of the Surovikin defense. One visible sign of Zelensky’s panic — he changed his wardrobe. Now, when he appears in public, instead of wearing his Fidel Castro costume (i.e., sporting an Army green t-shirt or sweatshirt and tactical pants) he is now outfitted like a younger, shorter version of Johnny Cash. Black is his new fashion choice.
Not astonishing the Corporate MSM narratives all collapsed and exposed as DS BS. Typical DS BS SOP when their lies are exposed. They just move on to the next lie trying desperately to control the narrative.
Astonishing = calculated...
No wonder Corporate MSM and their You know the Agency script writers are making distance from this narrative that they lost control over.
I'm hearing that Israel has struck the airports in Damascus and Allepo. Still trying to get that war with Russia going, aren't they.
I have heard the same. But then Russia and Iran know all about Uranium 1 also. They apparently are not fond of witnesses .