Yes, the benevolent USA (that's us) must help those poor suffering Palestinians. So let's bring them here, give them phones, healthcare and housing.
There's a bit of sarcasm in that statement, but I think that we can all agree that this is the narrative that's coming our way.
They should go to Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Qatar, Iran, Iraq , Egypt and any other Muslim land. That's where they belong, not in a Christian land.
Those places are literally where these people originated to begin with. When the British made their census - ~200,000 people lived in the ENTIRE land of Israel, and many of them were just nomadic people who migrated with their flocks as they grazed.
Upon announcing the new Jewish state, millions of people showed up to Israel looking for work because suddenly there was money and interest in renovating, restoring and building there.
Several million highly skilled Jewish people left the surrounding countries and moved there leaving a vacuum of skilled labor for a long time. The governments refused to allow anyone to migrate over to their countries despite the people speaking the same language and having the same basic culture/religion. The 'Palestinians' were left there to foment trouble and have done so ever since.