Yup. MS Windows is the best example. As the OS ages through use, it accumulates an endless number of things that quietly run in the background. These little pieces of "bloatware" are difficult to find and often more difficult to get rid of. I have found that the best thing to do is to create a full Bootable image of the original system, once I have spent many hours installing apps and configuring it. After a few years, when the system starts to get slow, I copy my data files over to that backup system, and its amazing how its like I got a major CPU upgrade, it's so fast.
We need the same thing here. Flush the Fed govt back to ONLY those agencies that the constitution supports. And many states need to do a similar thing. Let the states live in peace and freedom.
Remember what that creep Klaus Schwap wrote about? The Great Reset??? Little did he know that it would happen in reverse.
Abortion is murder. Big difference.
This is like charging women for having their period and wasting an egg.
Dems demonstrate once again that they are insane.
Stern warnings promote self deportation, and save everybody a lot of hassle, including the invaders. Get out now, or get hauled out in cuffs. If you go on your own, then you can bring some stuff along. If you're hauled out, you get to keep your shirt and not much else.
So the crooks there are probably shredding and deleting.
RIP Joan Rivers.
Dozens? The dept of ed employs 4400 people. Flush the whole stinking turd.
Back up and track down the individuals that sent this money, and those who received it. Waterboard all of them and find out who else was involved in this fraud.
Then execute them all for treason.
I hope they are names we recognize. Like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, .
Wow, wacked out tranny threatening violence if their measure is NOT passed:
At 0:14: “If you say that you’re afraid of Trump, and that’s why you don’t want this city to be a safe space for trans people, you better prepare for trans people to make this a very UNSAFE space.”
No problem, we have a place in the Caribbean (Gitmo) that would be very safe for you trannies.
This is beyond comprehension. Yup. Obviously, they have no comprehension.
The US Fed Govt is flat-out, a organized criminal network. We need to take our country to a surgeon to carve out this cancer. The surgeon's name is Donald Trump. The anesthesiologist is Elon Musk.
The people over on Thingiverse are foaming at the mouth, fuming over this model. I had no idea they were such a bunch of lefties.
We should all go over there and post comments on this model, praising the accomplishments of DJT. Lefties losing it!!!
Printed small as a first test. Not bad!!!! Maybe I'll send this to my ultra lib brother.
I think its good enough to print a larger version.
Just fired? WTF.
If we misappropriated $10,000, we would be prosecuted.
Will be fun if something does happen.
But a lot of things are happening all the time.
We all hope for arrests of traitors.
Maybe this will be the "first arrest" that shows the direction. Q said something like that about the first arrest.
Wow. Fake debt, so interest payments can grow. Fake fraud feds. Stand them up against a wall and tell them, no problem, our rounds are fake. They lie, we lie back.
Why did Jesus die on the cross? Because your good deeds can never make up for your crimes before God. Jesus died because you can not be good enough to enter heaven on your own. He did it for you. Repent and cry out for forgiveness. He is eager to forgive all repentant sinners.
I cannot imagine the pain of losing a 3 year old son.
And then there are all the older people who died from remdesivir and ventilators. There are two among our relatives. One walked into to the hospital with breathing issues and was dead 24 hours later. Relatives begged her NOT to go to the hospital.
Would be great if this led to the clean out of the corrupt dems in Boaston.
Treason. Arrest them all.
Is Q real? Well, pretty much everything Q said has come to pass. Hmmm....
Yup. These supposed green projects are almost always losers. When we bought our house 30 years ago, it included a solar hot water system. After the first year the big huge water storage tank started to leak. I called the prior owner and asked how old the tank was, they said 7 years. They managed to get it replaced under warranty after they had it for 7 years, so the tank is very reliable for a whopping 7 years. The cost of that tank wipes out any savings from the solar. We put in a lifetime warranty stainless steel tank rather than pay the same amount of $ to rip it the whole system out. Then the control failed. I called the company that installed the system. They laughed and said that they went out of biz when the Fed subsidy ended. These enviro boondoggles are nothing but big unsustainable money soaks. But the good thing for me is that after fixing things it has runs well for 20 years. So maybe I got my money out of it.
But but backups..... did you get all the IT backup data???????? Data on a serious IT system should be backed up in multiple sites. Lets hope that somebody was smart enough to squirrel away one copy. We only need one.
It's all to common that it's a black female. But then, these days we can't even be sure of that.