Here is my reasoning:
- Like it or not, Hollywood productions employ and pay some of the top income earners in our country.
- Hollywood is made up of not just directors, actors and writers (I know you’re shocked!) but also Cameramen, Truck Drivers, Electricians, Grips, Medics, Set Builders, Caterers, PAs, Hair and Makeup artists, Wardrobe, Props, Set Dressing, as well as all of the local businesses that they shop in with their extra money. These people have nothing to do with and are innocent from the corruption up top. They make up a large portion of profit to local mom and pop businesses, like it or not.
- Unemployment is a known method to reduce inflation. If more people are on unemployment, wages are controlled. If wages are controlled, so is inflation.
- All union leadership warned us of the incoming strikes and the studios reduced production in the first quarter of this year. They knew and I suspect they sold us out.
- We know that Hollywood has a long time history of partnership with the government and the military.
- The Pizzagate PR Firm has been hired by the AMPTP.
Hypothesis: All of the money that would normally be used to create garbage is now being used overseas to create more psyops and give money to Ukraine/Israel. If the government was “executive producing” production in the form of supplying money to studios, that has been cut off. If this is true, I believe it lends further validation to the Q movement and Trump cutting off money to the cabal, forcing them to sacrifice their assets.
Interesting theory, especially when you consider entertainment as one of the top US exports.
I appreciate your input! What advantages would the cabal or a foreign hostile enemy have from keeping the entertainment industry shut down? If the CIA were controlling the narrative of the strike through the mockingbird media, what might that look like? It’s gone on too long for me to believe this to be natural.
Has the law allowing lying propaganda by the government been rescinded?
If so, the funds are cut, and Hollyweird covers by claiming a writer's strike.
Jim Morrison's blackhat father sent him to school to learn movie making once funds were available.
Then when the psyop that was the rock movement began, he switched 'majors'. This was also funded by the Air Force. (Psyops div of military)
Creating 'New Doors of Perception' --- See Aldous Huxley
See: The Strange But Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon....' by David McGowen
Or they are strike because their studios cant pay them due to a certain EO?
Trumps EO confiscating assets of anyone that participated in the stolen election? If those assets were confiscated in the first quarter of this year, it would be all too perfect for them to drum up a “strike” while the beancounters figure out how to salvage operations without the deep state money.
We all know for the cleanup process to happen there, Hollywood will get smaller before it gets better… Perhaps this is just a required step of the white hats to fix things.