Yes, it was a new rule surrounding mortgage lending. I actually found a fact-check on it, lol. I love their reasoning: "High credit score borrowers will have to pay more, but the amount that the high-scoring borrowers pay will still not be more than the low-scoring borrowers!!"
Is he going to give them a high credit score?
Wasn't there something awhile back about docking people for having good credit scores because it's racist? 🤨
Yes, it was a new rule surrounding mortgage lending. I actually found a fact-check on it, lol. I love their reasoning: "High credit score borrowers will have to pay more, but the amount that the high-scoring borrowers pay will still not be more than the low-scoring borrowers!!"
In other words, we're going to gouge you no matter what. 🙄
I've confirmed this with multiple realtors and lending agents, higher fees for good credit as the USA Today article rightly calls mortgage socialism.