sacip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for articulating your thoughts. It is extremely helpful. I have struggled with "this being a movie" for some time. I know we are in a war between good and evil and as in any war there are casualties. I am sure many have experienced loss via the pandemic, and I believe many of those friends and family members were causalities of this war too. A good friend of mine knew the family of Corey Comperatore and their loss was very real. I pray that our losses to the evil will be minimal, and this war will end soon. God bless everyone especially our world leaders, the militaries around the world and their families working every day to defeat evil.

sacip 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. I wish I would have copied and pasted in my comments.

sacip 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes, my daughter’s have a cash only business and about 6 months ago they started getting charged for cash deposit. Some banks charge for depositing too many checks. It is all about fee income and they keep coming up with new ways to make money for their shareholders.

sacip 2 points ago +2 / -0

PA is messed up too. I was trying to challenge voter rolls in Allegheny County through True the Votes' IV3 program.

There are over 29,000 in Allegheny County where the address of the voter no longer matched the address when the voter registered. All were confirmed via the US Postal Service.

In order to challenge a voter roll, you must live in that municipality and the challenge must be accompanied by a notarized affidavit. Even if I had enough time to challenge 25 by paying the Notary fee, it would be a drop in the bucket. BTW, all challenges had to be received by June 15, 2024.

The Commonwealth of PA's voter roll that need challenged is over 250,000. My conclusion was after learning the process is that The Commonwealth of PA does not want to clean up their voter rolls.

sacip 7 points ago +7 / -0

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently called for an election for the UK to happen on July 4, 2024 (USA Independence Day).

During his announcement, the podium was missing something pretty important: Her Majesty’s Royal Seal.

-> Martial Law/Continuity of Government in effect in UK since 2020 <-

“They just haven’t told you yet” - British MP Andrew Brigden
SGAnon -Truth Social

sacip 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree that Jon has done a lot of research that Wictor had not. Wictor was definitely ahead of everyone on Devolution.

I agree that Derek has own style that does not suit everyone.

When you think about it, so does Trump. We need to get beyond the style and look at the substance.

sacip 2 points ago +2 / -0

And before Jon it was Thomas Wictor https://social.quodverum.com/@ThomasWic He was attacked both verbally and threatened for talking about Devolution early on. You will see he no longer post anything. In my opinion, every one of these individuals are a piece to the puzzle.

sacip 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree that there are a lot of considerations that need to be evaluated for the woman and their baby's lifetime security.

The foster care system is broken and not always the best decision. There are a lot of couples that are having difficulties in having a child but how do you ensure that the child will be placed in a good home and not abused?

My biggest concern is that for a lot of women it seems to be a form of birth control when there are other options to prevent pregnancy rather than having to face going through an abortion.

I have known some women that had an abortion and they do live with guilt and depression.

sacip 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you everyone for your comments. I found this picture on Telegram. I am not on X so I could not check out the post, so I didn't know the author was suspended dreadnought61.

sacip 12 points ago +12 / -0

Old Picture of Hillary and Cohen.

sacip 4 points ago +4 / -0

And where you eat too!

sacip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Shockingly…No mention of “Biden’s Uncle Story” in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. We need to read it in a RT.

sacip 7 points ago +7 / -0

A lot of great information. Thank you for your research, merf.

I believe a large part of what is being shown to us is the amount of pedophile and human trafficking and worse, especially of the children that has been going on.

I always sense the COVID lockdown, was to let parents see what their children were being taught.

We have been in a deep sleep and horrible crimes against humanity has been done right in front of us but we were not paying attention or too busy with our lives.

sacip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our dog as ben acting strange before and after the eclipse. She has excellent hearing and will just stop and look up at our skylights.

sacip 8 points ago +8 / -0

"There are: 1,500 Newspapers, 1,100 Magazines, 9.000 Radio Stations, 1,500 TV Stations, 2,400 Publishers - all owned by 5 Corporations and 272 Executives. That controls 90% of what 350 Million Americans SEE, HEAR and READ." posted by Wyatt on X @Austerrewyatt1

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