October 17, 1989 6.9 Loma Pritea earthquake - where everyone came together. "EARTH SHOOK, SKY BURNED, HEROES EMERGED"
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1EdlMVVrps&ab_channel=80sMOVIESMUSIC%26MORE
We're on track for a > 7 again... the entire West Coast. Doubtful this great coming together will happen. After 9/11, the looters and rioters ALSO came out. They didn't tell you about that did they?
Watch dutchsense on youtube, if a 7 is going to hit the west coast, he'll let everyone know well ahead of time.
As for the coming together.... did you see the the hell that took over new orleans after katrina? These monsters raped and killed each other over anything they could get, and in many cases, for no reason at all. They even shot at rescue helicopters.
White people come together