Ending the conflict in Ukraine, the Middle East, and potentially Taiwan.
The stage is being set for Trump to be the global peacemaker. If Trump is able to come in and put a stop to WW3, as he claims he can, surely the world will not only support Trump, but will see how the corrupt Biden regime could have prevented global conflict, and chose not to.
While the world may look to be on the brink of destruction, there is an avenue here to win over the hearts and minds of the People, and then use the political ammunition and public support hold the Deep State accountable.
The only question now is, can we make it to November 2024 before the world collapses?
- Clandestine
There will be no elections in 2024. This shit show will end well before. Trump won 2020, he will take his rightful place that was stolen from him, everything the belligerent administration did will be reversed in hours, and Trump will get an extra 2 years that were stolen. We're very close to the ending, and it won't be for everyone.
Hypothesis, it won't be for everyone because at least one nuke will go off, so those vaporized won't be with us?
I hope that is not the case, but won't be shocked if it does happen.