I hope the General understands the 1,000's if not more of man power hours we've put into red-pilling people around us and getting liberals, normies, RINO conservatives and the like to vote MAGA all the way down the card. Most of us on this forum and the many on QResearch have devoted their whole lives these past 7 years to digging, finding truth and presenting it to digest. Think about how often you are putting effort into this whole Awakening? I know for SURE mine adds up to more time than my actual job (that I do remotely).
I hope the General understands the 1,000's if not more of man power hours we've put into red-pilling people around us and getting liberals, normies, RINO conservatives and the like to vote MAGA all the way down the card. Most of us on this forum and the many on QResearch have devoted their whole lives these past 7 years to digging, finding truth and presenting it to digest. Think about how often you are putting effort into this whole Awakening? I know for SURE mine adds up to more time than my actual job (that I do remotely).