Adm. Mike Rogers Describing Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn
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I don't know what to think about Flynn at this point. His whole Q was a psyop thing left me wondering. Ran for a local council position back when obama was in office. Got accused of mail fraud, lied about, etc. Also ran for a state RNC position and won my borough but lost in the others. The local RNC people made me sick to my stomach and I felt like I was in the presence of evil standing next to one well known RNC person who ended up going to jail for using their office to run their campaign.
One big thing that I learned is that the RNC is NO DIFFERENT from the DNC. There is strong-arming to get their members to all endorse the higher-up's choice knowing that the average voter will automatically vote for the "endorsed" candidate.
The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth.
I have done a lot of grassroots work, and I too was disgusted at what I found.