We've decided against them for our most recent child and when scheduling an appointment the nurse told us that if we don't vaccinate then they won't see us.
Is this a widespread issue? Is there a website or resource for finding pediatricians that will see unvaccinated children?
Doctors cannot FORCE you to do anything. THEY are not in charge of your health. You can AND SHOULD say "no" if you're being pressured. You can refuse prescriptions. You can refuse return visits.
Dentists: same thing. You can refuse any treatment they tell you that you need. I went to a dentist in the Seattle area (temp job) for a cleaning ahead of Invisaligners. Up front information: I am 54 yo and have NEVER had a single cavity or crack or ANY dental work besides orthodontics in my youth. The dentist has never seen me before. Says she has found 3 dark areas that she thinks could be cavities, so she was going to drill them and fill them. I refused. She got upset. I said "you admittedly have no idea what those spots are or how long they have been there or if they are getting worse and you think I'm just going to let you drill into them?" She got butt-hurt when I refused and told her that all I wanted was a cleaning.
I got my cleaning and left.
Great that you have a spine. Most people don't.
So many people have farmed out their logic/thinking/reasoning skills to other sources so they don't have to spend their time on it. We have placed our trust in people we thought had our best interests in mind, when they really only ever intended to control and manipulate us. Doctors are no better: take these drugs to fix your troubles, come back for more drugs to fix the problems caused by those first drugs I gave you. You have bad cholesterol, you're overweight, you've got low white blood cell count, your body mass index is bad, so on and so forth. I haven't been to a doctor in well over 5 years and I feel great. Why would I go for a checkup if I feel fine? If my teeth don't hurt, why would I let someone drill into them? I don't buy into their fear peddling.