I definitely see your point. I'm wondering though, at this point in humanities evolution we seem to need some type of government. So as diligent people we study the candidates and vote and trust the politician will keep their word, morality and honesty. That trust is usually broken.
So here we are hoping the Congress will go our way. We wait with bated breath for the 2024 elections to put the 1 guy in office we put our unwavering faith in to right this ship. My point is that we have to go through government (politicians) to have the country we want. Any other way at this point would be anarchy and we just aren't there yet as a species I don't think. Self governance is a beautiful ideal to reach for and in the meantime restore the government to by and for the people. Is it possible? That's what we are all excited to see.
I definitely see your point. I'm wondering though, at this point in humanities evolution we seem to need some type of government. So as diligent people we study the candidates and vote and trust the politician will keep their word, morality and honesty. That trust is usually broken.
So here we are hoping the Congress will go our way. We wait with bated breath for the 2024 elections to put the 1 guy in office we put our unwavering faith in to right this ship. My point is that we have to go through government (politicians) to have the country we want. Any other way at this point would be anarchy and we just aren't there yet as a species I don't think. Self governance is a beautiful ideal to reach for and in the meantime restore the government to by and for the people. Is it possible? That's what we are all excited to see.