posted ago by PowderRoomPolitics ago by PowderRoomPolitics +64 / -0

Why are we under attack for saying the exact same things the Democrats said about the voting machines, about hacking, about back doors?!

Here are the Democrats in their own words…

"I continue to think our voting machines are too vulnerable." Democrat Adam Schiff (CA)

"Researchers repeatedly demonstrate that ballot recording machines and other voting systems are suspectable to tampering." Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee (TX)

"In 2018 Electronic Voting Machines in Georgia and Texas deleted votes for certain candidates or switched votes from one candidate to another." Democrat Jennifer Wexton (VA)

"The biggest seller of voting machines is doing something that violates cyber-security 101...directing that you install remote access software which would make a machine like that a magnet for fraudsters and hackers." Democrat Ron Wyden (OR)

"These voting machines can be hacked quite easily." Democrat Ted Lieu (CA)

"You could easily hack into them. It makes it seem like these states are doing different things but, in fact, three companies are controlling that." Democrat Amy Klobuchar (MN)

"There are a lot of states that are dealing with antiquated machines that are vulnerable to being hacked." Democrat Kamala Harris, Vice President

"We know now how vulnerable our systems were. I know the 'hack-a-thon' that took place last year where virtually every machine was broken into fairly easily and quickly." Democrat Mark Warner (VA)