posted ago by damnImgood ago by damnImgood +34 / -0

President Biden is expected to sign an executive order that will monitor the risks of artificial intelligence and develop new rules for the technology, Politico first reported.

The order is expected to be issued as soon as Monday and would change the way AI is used in the federal government, from health care to education, trade, housing and more.

“Artificial intelligence (AI) has extraordinary potential for both promise and peril,” a draft of the order obtained by The Hill said. “Responsible AI use has the potential to help solve urgent challenges making our world more prosperous, productive, innovative, and secure. At the same time, irresponsible use could exacerbate societal harms like fraud, discrimination, bias, and disinformation.”

The order will put checks on AI, directing agencies to set standards ensuring data privacy, among other priorities, for the rapidly evolving technology.

Previous efforts from the White House to combat AI have been criticized, but the new order will give various agencies the power to influence the market.

Biden’s order will be the most significant effort to impose national order on the AI industry. ChatGPT, which launched less than a year ago, has shocked users with its human-like capabilities and its knowledge.

AI reflects the principles of the people that build it, the people that use it and the data upon which it was built, Biden’s order said.

Congress has tried to put legislation together to tackle the risks of AI but nothing comprehensive has been introduced yet.

According to the 111-page draft of the order, the White House will assign a dozen agencies to tackle their handling of AI systems.

Many of the agencies will have between 90 and 240 days to fulfill the requirements of the order, according to Politico’s report.

The order will also appoint a White House AI Council chaired by the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and representatives from each major agency to oversee the federal government’s AI activities.

The order would also grant the White House authority to keep tabs on the private sector development of AI systems as well as mandate companies to submit reports on how they train and test models and on how they plan to protect the technology from foreign adversaries to the government. - THE HILL
