I’ve done that in the past, but after a few times ignoring it they send a warning letter that I’ll be fined $1000 AND sent to jail for 30 days if I don’t show up.
I responded to a Jury summons by writing them a letter that I have trouble sleeping due to enormous job stress and this will affect my ability to reach a "fair and just" verdict. Never heard from them again.
Ill just tell the woke military what I told the county when I was summoned to jury duty..."I'm racist and I hate women and gays." Worked like a charm.
LOL…my buddy throws his summons in the trash. Fuck them - get an illegal to sit on the jury.
That exactly what I’ve always done ,, answering them keeps their eyes open about me . F them is right !
I’ve done that in the past, but after a few times ignoring it they send a warning letter that I’ll be fined $1000 AND sent to jail for 30 days if I don’t show up.
I responded to a Jury summons by writing them a letter that I have trouble sleeping due to enormous job stress and this will affect my ability to reach a "fair and just" verdict. Never heard from them again.