According to this substack with graphs, 17 million worldwide have lost their lives from the jab. They suspect 100x this have adverse effect health conditions.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I don't know what to think. Everyone in my family except myself, my husband and one uncle are jabbed to the max. I haven't really seen any health issues except for two males in their 50's getting cancer. I had read that 95% of the jabs were saline or at least not deadly/incapacitating. I hope that's true. I fear for my family and friends.
"I had read that 95% of the jabs were saline or at least not deadly/incapacitating."
You read wrong. The globalist de-populationists were never going to shoot that low. The majority of people vaxxed will be dead within 10yrs. It sucks but that's how many people failed the IQ test, many of my family members included. They wouldn't listen to me, so c'est la vie.
Trump was prez tho runnin' dat warp
the idea ppl are running with right now is that Trump forced the vaccine to release before it was ready
( think of Gandalf forcing Sauran’s hand too early in The Hobbit trilogy )