According to this substack with graphs, 17 million worldwide have lost their lives from the jab. They suspect 100x this have adverse effect health conditions.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Yes, I do have experience in real life. 2 otherwise healthy 1 family member and 1 friend of mine both died of heart attacks withing 6mos. of getting jabbed. 3 other jabbed family members have auto immune disorders that came withing 12months of the jab. Many other family members that are sick at least once a month or more, including my jabbed mother. My household along with my 84yr. old father are jab free and no ones been sick a single time since 2020 (my father included). I got them all on a daily regimen of quercetin, zinc, vitamin D3. Not so much as the sniffles. I also lost 2 childhood friends after they had "covid" and they like everyone who died of it, died in the hospitals, after they hooked them up to ventilators and murdered them!! I forgot to mention the 10 people (family and friends) that have come down with cancer, 3 dead already after turbo pancreatic cancer set in. They were all dead in 3months. All 10people were jabbed.