In 2016, the person responsible for recruiting all the models for Balenciaga was a woman named Rachel Chandler, who had been to Jeffrey Epstein's infamous islands. She even posted photos from surveillance footage on Instagram in 2013, showing off being on an island (highly in line with Epstein's pedophile island).
This is coming back to the surface so I expect something big is going to drop related to this. Refreshing peoples memories so they can follow the rest of the story and connect the dots.
In 2016, the person responsible for recruiting all the models for Balenciaga was a woman named Rachel Chandler, who had been to Jeffrey Epstein's infamous islands. She even posted photos from surveillance footage on Instagram in 2013, showing off being on an island (highly in line with Epstein's pedophile island).
Reminder that a chandler is literally a (certain kind of) merchant in historical context. Something I don't see mentioned a lot.
Now of course, many names are from historical jobs and roles; Hunter, Smith, etc.
But really interesting that she was basically a purveyor of human trafficking.
This is coming back to the surface so I expect something big is going to drop related to this. Refreshing peoples memories so they can follow the rest of the story and connect the dots.
The DOJ has had an heavy presence in the Virgin Islands for over a year with no arrests.
What are the odds ?
Similar to the odds that Biden owns part of a nearby island.
Exactly. Another nothing to see here moment .