Prompt: A lot of RC’s were brought to consciousness recently, opening a rabbit hole.
RC - Robert Card (false flag ops) {MSM comms} RC - Ryan Cohen (GameStop) (market manipulation ops) {Twitter/X comms} RC - “Rachel” & “Chandler” (entertainment ops) {MSM & Q+ comms - “Petty,” a Perry Mason & Matthew Perry/F.R.I.E.N.D.S. reference} RC - Rachel Chandler (blackmail ops) {Q comms - most obvious RC to anons} RC - RC Cola, or Royal Crown Cola (cocaine elixir - blackmail/pharma theme) {pop culture comms} CR - Crown Royal (spirits elixir - blackmail/pharma theme) {"think mirror" and pop culture comms} RC - Rothschild (Q#133 & 144 - second wall in the triangle that feeds the eye; ++) RC - “Red Coat” (Rothschild meaning, in Yiddish)
Hypothesis: The cabal’s illicit activities to protect the Rothschilds, signified by recent RC comms, were closed out in Red October (RC ~ RO). The second side of the triangle that feeds the eye (++, or Rothschilds) has finally fallen, after a failed attempt back in November 2017 (Q#179 “Failed mission” & 183 “Mission failed”).
This decode technique is freeform pattern recognition and association, influenced by Decoding Symbols’ blog. The premise is that popular news, sports, and entertainment, and their figureheads, are used by the elite to signal who is in the club, through symbols and phonetics, to convey and reinforce specific messages. The elite are trained in these comms and the symbols’ meanings, however once you start paying attention a story emerges. Symbolism will be their downfall.
The hypothesis is bold, yet this method begs a final assumption about the connection being made. The RC symbol is being used in a string of associations among seemingly disparate events, and distinctly identifies primary tools of elite control (false flags, markets, entertainment, blackmail, pharma), leading ultimately to the Rothschilds via their own legacy RC comms signals - Rachel Chandler, RC Cola, and Crown Royal.
If this is to be construed as exposing each tool or method of control via an RC comm, and you have death associated with each one (Robert Card false flag deaths, Ryan Cohen killing the financial industry, Chandler’s death, RC Cola misfortunes, Bronfmans’ demise), are we seeing comms that the elites’ tools of control are dying, or have died? And if the vine is dying, does that mean so is the root? Are white hats telling us this? Are black hats telling each other this? Both? Does it matter? The message is in public view.
Q describes three sides of a triangle that feed the satanic eye, the largest and wealthiest being Saudi Arabia, or ‘+++,' which was removed. The second largest and wealthiest is the Rothschilds, or ‘++’ (Q#133 & 134). Apparently, according to Q#179 & 183, the “mission failed” to take out the Rothschilds, which you may recall as a helicopter crash incident involving a plane over one of their estates. If the recent string of RC comms suggest a dying apparatus leading to the Rothschilds, and they are cult leaders who control banks, financial institutions, worldwide governments, and the people, as Q stated in Q#299, then through association this slurry of RC comms suggest the death of the old “Red Coat” guard, their control network, and their grip over those institutions.
#1, 2, & 3
The culmination of RC’s #1, 2 & 3 in the news prompted the dig into meanings, and the fact that Q+ turned our heads toward ‘Perry’ focused the research on #3.
In short, according to Decoding Symbols, FRIENDS contained elite comms tied to blackmail. It’s important to note that FRIENDS was set in a coffee shop, and while water is considered a symbol for info, coffee is considered a symbol for dirty info, or introducing a narcotic to gain such info. The opening scene of the show is Chandler in the coffee shop describing to his friends a dream in which his genitals are a phone. He’s speaking directly to Joey (i.e. Cup of Joe). Not to mention, the obvious is that Rachel and Chandler point to Rachel Chandler. [Monica from the show is tied to Bill Clinton blackmail comms, and Perry Mason is tied to legal protection comms, but we won’t get into those.]
#4 - Rachel Chandler
Rachel Chandler is reported to be born between 1987 and 1991. FRIENDS began in 1994. Was this young girl bred and later named as a lead seductress for the cabal? Q asks us, Who is Rachel Chandler? Further, Rachel has been closely tied to British royalty (Prince Andrew), even having “TRUFFLE” tattooed on her inner lower lip. Odd that Prince Andrew has a Truffle farm. Rachel provides the royalty connection.
#5 - Royal Crown Cola
Using the pop culture method of decoding, the first RC that pops into mind is RC Cola. It stands for Royal Crown Cola (“aka royalty comm”), and was oft marketed with Moon Pies. Rachel Chandler has moon references on her instagram, and the moon is considered to signify secret locations in which dirt is kept, or the "dark side of the moon.” Again, more blackmail comms.
Not only that, RC Cola was born in Georgia alongside Coca-Cola. And Coca-Cola is notorious for putting cocaine into its drinks and normalizing it to the public. It also continues the theme of using narcotics to run blackmail ops. RC Cola provides the connection to Crown Royal and the Bronfmans.
#6 - Crown Royal
When you think mirror to the elite’s comm vehicles, you get CR, or Crown Royal. Crown Royal is of course a whiskey, another narcotic that loosens people up to get blackmailed. The oddity is that it is owned by Seagram’s, which was started by the Bronfman family, of recent NXIVM or human and child trafficking and sex-slave notoriety. Not only that, Samuel Bronfman acquired the Seagram family’s hard work via a holding company subsidiary of UK-based The Distillers Company Plc, whose roots were in chemical production for explosives, and pharmaceuticals, for the British government. Its main Director of note is Leonard Alsager Elgood, an officer in the Black Watch, the British government's watchdog surveillance military unit that was founded to deal with, get this, Blackmail, in the kingdom and whose stated on-going mission was to hinder rebellions and prevent depredations. Hence, Crown Royal and its heritage point directly to the Rothschilds.
#7 - Rothschild
Their playbook is known. They use pharma, drugs, violence, and blackmail to control whole governments and populations. These blokes aren’t deserving of further mention.
#8 - Red Coat
While Rothschild means Red Coat in Yiddish, this last connection has even deeper significance to lead us past the Rothschilds furthermore, to Israel itself. It just so turns out that in the film Schindlers’ List, an unknown girl in a red coat stacked atop a pile of other dead bodies sparks Schindler to make his list.
Edit: Couple interesting tidbits for anyone still reading this -
- Seagram's was acquired by Guinness. Rachel Chandler is married to heir Tom Guinness.
- Schindler's List won an Oscar in 1994, the same year that FRIENDS premiered.
- New Line Cinema, which produced Schindler's List, was founded in 1967, the same year as Israel's 6 day war, in which it gained significant land advantage and took over the Gold Dome
- Epstein's island has a gold dome
There's a different RC that I'm currently interested in...
based ppseed