I tried explaining this to interested people and their faces glaze over in confusion. Hyperinflation can't be far off especially with all the debt refinancing at higher rates. I last read were running 2.5 Trillion Dollar ANNUAL deficit. At these interests rates were done. Which I believe is the plan. Crash the currency, introduce CBDC. Exactly as they did in Germany post WWI
I think repetition is the key. Partially because it's tough to break out of the comfort bubble the deep state programming has built for normies and partially because a change in paradigm takes energy and time. Repeating those messages for normies helps to slowly chip away at their resistance.
Shit is spooky. Of course I'm referring to the Debt
Yes, it is! At this point, the rate it's increasing is so decoupled from reality that it seems farcical.
I tried explaining this to interested people and their faces glaze over in confusion. Hyperinflation can't be far off especially with all the debt refinancing at higher rates. I last read were running 2.5 Trillion Dollar ANNUAL deficit. At these interests rates were done. Which I believe is the plan. Crash the currency, introduce CBDC. Exactly as they did in Germany post WWI
I think repetition is the key. Partially because it's tough to break out of the comfort bubble the deep state programming has built for normies and partially because a change in paradigm takes energy and time. Repeating those messages for normies helps to slowly chip away at their resistance.
Here's a really simple and straightforward chart from the 10/31 secret window that might help: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rT6e7RAM/us-debt-clock--secret-window--6-/