I tried explaining this to interested people and their faces glaze over in confusion. Hyperinflation can't be far off especially with all the debt refinancing at higher rates. I last read were running 2.5 Trillion Dollar ANNUAL deficit. At these interests rates were done. Which I believe is the plan. Crash the currency, introduce CBDC. Exactly as they did in Germany post WWI
I think repetition is the key. Partially because it's tough to break out of the comfort bubble the deep state programming has built for normies and partially because a change in paradigm takes energy and time. Repeating those messages for normies helps to slowly chip away at their resistance.
I tried explaining this to interested people and their faces glaze over in confusion. Hyperinflation can't be far off especially with all the debt refinancing at higher rates. I last read were running 2.5 Trillion Dollar ANNUAL deficit. At these interests rates were done. Which I believe is the plan. Crash the currency, introduce CBDC. Exactly as they did in Germany post WWI
I think repetition is the key. Partially because it's tough to break out of the comfort bubble the deep state programming has built for normies and partially because a change in paradigm takes energy and time. Repeating those messages for normies helps to slowly chip away at their resistance.
Here's a really simple and straightforward chart from the 10/31 secret window that might help: https://greatawakening.win/p/17rT6e7RAM/us-debt-clock--secret-window--6-/