That old saying comes to mind where you repeat and expect a different outcome… then, when you suggest something else needs to happen, people refer to Trump saying we need to outvote the fraud.
They literally control the machines and control the reporting as well any police, judge, and jury.
It’s so obvious to all of us but we are caught, on this site, in an echo chamber.
If you aren’t awake, everything reinforces the fraud, so you believe it. They have the mental reinforcement down to an absolute science.
Why would we expect anything different right now?
All of this points towards nothing but controlled elections from here on out.
That old saying comes to mind where you repeat and expect a different outcome… then, when you suggest something else needs to happen, people refer to Trump saying we need to outvote the fraud.
They literally control the machines and control the reporting as well any police, judge, and jury.
It’s so obvious to all of us but we are caught, on this site, in an echo chamber.
If you aren’t awake, everything reinforces the fraud, so you believe it. They have the mental reinforcement down to an absolute science.
Why would we expect anything different right now?
All of this points towards nothing but controlled elections from here on out.