Got to listen to a couple of guys I hunt with discuss how Biden is not the problem, Trump was not a good president, The Border doesn't matter, etc. They are fairly well informed, and they listen to more than NPR (if only slightly), but they are too isolated and really don't have empathy for anyone outside of their circles. They are pretty well off (much better than me), being professionals and no kids. The border thing surprised me and that's when it clicked that they can't relate to what other people are experiencing. Pretty sad.
I have sent out the occasional bit of information, mostly about the vax - they ignored it. I'm surprised they actually like having me around.
And then today a coworker was telling me about some of his friends and how the abortion thing is driving them towards the Dems. Looks to me like quite a few people are in for a major shock. I guess that's why Q said we would have to help them understand when the truth comes out. I have a feeling, we've seen nothing yet....
I can't be the only one wondering when people are going to start waking up....
I’m the lone conservative out of the dozen grandchildren + spouses on one side of the family. I concur heartily. These people haven’t felt the burn yet, they’re blissfully ignorant and don’t see that their leftist/borderline communist ideals are the problem. Something HUGE has to happen. Though I think a few are part of the 4-6%, they’re “highly educated” 😂
Highly indoctrinated. 😎