Got to listen to a couple of guys I hunt with discuss how Biden is not the problem, Trump was not a good president, The Border doesn't matter, etc. They are fairly well informed, and they listen to more than NPR (if only slightly), but they are too isolated and really don't have empathy for anyone outside of their circles. They are pretty well off (much better than me), being professionals and no kids. The border thing surprised me and that's when it clicked that they can't relate to what other people are experiencing. Pretty sad.
I have sent out the occasional bit of information, mostly about the vax - they ignored it. I'm surprised they actually like having me around.
And then today a coworker was telling me about some of his friends and how the abortion thing is driving them towards the Dems. Looks to me like quite a few people are in for a major shock. I guess that's why Q said we would have to help them understand when the truth comes out. I have a feeling, we've seen nothing yet....
I can't be the only one wondering when people are going to start waking up....
I too don’t see any change , if anything they think the idiot is doing a great job . I know many many circles of liberals , they are very well off , most are millionaires here in San Diego! I mention their wealth because it seems like the wealthier they are the more braindead they are ,, nothing affects them as far as any kind of hardship financially! They live in their own wealthy world with no cares ! Not sure what it would take , most come from old money , so they could lose a lot and still be comfy in their mansions . I’m not against wealth but I am against this kind of selfish brainwashed entitlement.
I've not seen a single libtard I know wake up. Braindead.
The correlation of wealth and asleep is strong. During the height of CV, a LOT did well and do not relate to people who had to take big bites of the shit sandwich.
I was helping my family's business last month when my brother was recuperating. My mom and I were driving around the very wealthy parts of Silicon Valley doing deliveries. Life there is all wonderful. I told my mom "it's Versailles 1788 here."
If others had to take bites of the shit sandwich, I wonder how much has to be rammed down their throats before they wake up.
Probably going to take incoming nukes to get them to even wonder what's going on.
No kidding , you’re exactly right on target !